The outbreak of the novel coronavirus—now dubbed Covid-19—has likely just begun, but it has already changed life as everyone knows it worldwide. A pandemic has been declared. Global fear and uncertainty is widespread. Many countries—including the United States—have implemented bans on large public gatherings. Some countries—like China and Italy—have been placed under countrywide quarantine or lock-down. Many U.S. schools and universities are closing for the foreseeable future, and an increasing number of companies have also asked their employees to work remotely from home in the meantime in order to slow the spread of the virus.
Covid-19 has brought day-to-day life in normal society to a screeching halt, and many people are left wondering where to go from here. Even though many employees are working from home, most companies are trying to continue with business as usual as much as possible despite the challenges this pandemic virus has introduced in the workplace.
One of the biggest struggles that the novel coronavirus brings for businesses is navigating brand communication. How can brands address this national emergency and worldwide pandemic in useful ways while still continuing to focus a normal level of attention on their products and services they offer in order to attract more customers and keep their profits at normal levels?

productive tips when working from home
As in-person contact and communication continues to become increasingly scarce, more people are turning to virtual sources of information—such as email messages and social media posts. This shift actually presents a great opportunity for brands to amp up their virtual presence in order to keep an open line of contact and communication with their customers during this tumultuous time. Keep reading to learn 3 tips for virtual brand communication throughout the worldwide outbreak of Covid-19.
Stay Informed About the Coronavirus Outbreak
News about the novel coronavirus, its spread, and projections for the future are constantly changing. It is important for brands to stay informed during this outbreak in order to continue to communicate effectively and stay connected with their customers and followers.
There is so much uncertainty currently surrounding Covid-19. Staying up to date on the at least the most significant news about Covid-19 is important for any brand. Include minor updates acknowledging the latest news about the coronavirus in any posts or emails that you distribute to your customers. Staying informed can help your brand stay relevant during this time by allowing you to weave virus-related information that customers value into your social media posts and email messages that also include info about your brand’s products and services.
Don’t Ignore the Virus
Covid-19 is currently at the forefront of everyone’s mind across the world. While messages from various brands are obviously not the most relevant sources of information with regards to the virus, ignoring the virus entirely in your brand communication to your customers and followers also reflects poorly on your company and makes your brand seem naive and even excessively self-centered.
The trick is to acknowledge the virus, its severity, and the widespread fear surrounding it without focusing too heavily on Covid-19 and still getting your brand’s original message across in an effective way. There is definitely a fine line between ignoring the virus completely and focusing on it too heavily, but it’s important to find your way to that balance for the good of your brand and your customers.
Show Empathy
The panic surrounding Covid-19 actually presents a valuable opportunity for your brand to demonstrate to their customers and followers that there are real people who care about others behind the face of your brand.
Keep your tone positive but stay away from excessive sarcastic humor—especially with regards to the virus itself. Acknowledge the financial struggles that Covid-19 has thrust upon many people due to the crashing stock market and potential lost wages from lost work. Try offering special sales to help ease the financial burden that many of your customers are likely experiencing during this outbreak. Unrestricted free shipping for online shoppers is a great offer during this time when people are hesitant to leave the safety of their homes to venture out to brick-and-mortar stores for products they want or need.
Covid-19 is turning basically every part of normal life on its head. As the outbreak continues worldwide, use these tips to create communication strategies for your brand that allow your brand to continue to connect with your customers and communicate effectively with them until the outbreak of the novel coronavirus finally passes. We will do what we can to keep you informed with ways to keep your business running. Leave us comments if you would like some productivity advice for your work team, then check back on our blog.
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